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Where to turn to in case of dissatisfaction?

A patient of Tallinna Hambakliinik who is not satisfied with:

  • the medical service provided to them,
  • a personal medical device made for them (dental prosthesis, orthodontic appliance, aligner, etc.),
  • the behaviour of medical or other personnel,

has the right to turn to the clinic’s management for advice and help and to make suggestions.

Everyone has the right and option to turn to other appropriate institutions.

If you are dissatisfied with the conditions of the clinic or the behaviour of the staff, please give us feedback first. To do this, you can fill in the form on site or on our website. The mailbox for statements and suggestions is located in the lobby of the dental clinic, next to the cloakroom.

Questions concerning the service offered to patients (except medical service) are addressed by the head of the customer centre.

Medical issues are addressed by the head of treatment.

If you have doubts about the quality of the medical service provided to you or the dental prosthesis or any other medical device made for your personal use, please contact the management of the clinic in writing. When submitting a written statement, it must be clearly and comprehensibly formulated and contain the patient’s given name and surname, personal identification code and contact details.

Where possible, we will respond to a written complaint within 14 working days of receiving the letter.

Feedback is not responded to in the event of: 

  • a repeated appeal, which has already been thoroughly answered by the clinic;
  • personal threats and insults about clinic staff;
  • the purpose of patient feedback is unclear to the clinic.

 If you are not satisfied with the response of the management of the clinic or the proposed solution, you can contact the advisory expert committee for the quality of health services operating at the Ministry of Social Affairs. A petition to the expert committee for the quality of health services must be sent by mail or digitally signed by e-mail. The committee is competent to give an assessment of the medical service provided and make suggestions to the medical institution, but the committee cannot obligate a doctor or medical institution to compensate the patient for the damage caused as a result of an error.

The patient has recourse to the court to resolve disputes arising on the basis of the contract for the provision of health services.

Contact details of institutions that can be contacted

SA Tallinna Hambakliinik / health service provider

Toompuiestee 4b, 10142 Tallinn

Phone +372 612 1200


Expert committee for the quality of health services / gives an independent assessment of the substantive quality of the health service provided to the patient

Ministry of Social Affairs

Gonsiori 29, 15027 Tallinn


Central office of the Health Insurance Fund / monitors the performance of the contract between the Health Insurance Fund and the health service provider

Lastekodu 48, 10113 Tallinn

Information phone number 669 6630


Health Board / monitors and assesses the adequacy of provision of health services, i.e. compliance with legislation

Paldiski mnt 81, 10617 Tallinn


Estonian Representative Association of Patients / organisation for the protection of the interests of consumers of social and health services

Kaupmehe 14, 10114 Tallinn

Phone 656 6429
